Comments on: The Beekeeper’s World A monthly resource encouraging stewardship of our watershed Thu, 09 Mar 2023 14:53:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Glen Kappy Sat, 07 May 2022 16:31:20 +0000 Amy, I was a bit surprised, given the article’s title, with the direction it took, but I appreciated it, especially your humility. Like you I tend to think of pesticide applicators as the “bad guys.” so it was good to read that at least some share life-nurturing goals with you.

I’m anticipating having a good crop from my apple tree this year, which seems to happen every-other year. Two years ago I tried neem oil to deal with the codling moths, spraying after the tree had blossomed—so as not to affect the many visiting bees. This year I’ve decided to do nothing—I don’t like being slave to the tree, and even with the neem oil I still had worms in my apples, though less of them. So this year I’ll see what happens as the moths, June bugs, finches, and robins have at it. I’m hoping to still get some good eating. (All of what I just wrote to say I appreciate the dedication you have towards keeping your bees.)

By: Anita Amstutz Sat, 07 May 2022 01:23:55 +0000 Brava Amy!

By: George Muedeking Fri, 06 May 2022 14:39:04 +0000 Thank you for publishing this article. I found it informative and very interesting to read.
