Comments on: Faith and Doom A monthly resource encouraging stewardship of our watershed Sun, 05 Mar 2023 23:21:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Esther Jantzen Mon, 07 Feb 2022 14:44:40 +0000 What a lovely essay–“Faith Sits on the Edge of Despair.” Thank you, Larry. Yes, to answer one of your thoughtful questions–the story of the eternal expansion of our Universe does calm my sense of panic at our collective “stupidity.” So does the idea that my death and the death of the Earth as we know it is only a tiny blip in outside-of-time foreverness. If love is the essential nature of the Universe, of All That Is, then my greatest responsibility as a human being is to reside in Unconditional Loving, with capital letters, and create Love. Which means I must tackle that most-difficult issue for me–I must also love my enemies. The supreme challenge of the moment, no?
