We are a group of people calling ourselves the Watershed Way and living along the mid Rio Grande River. We have started this interactive magazine to encourage folks to become better stewards of our land, water, plants and wildlife. Eight years ago our group formed as the result of a community-wide conference on the importance of knowing and being a part of one’s watershed. We have continued as part of the Albuquerque Mennonite Church’s social action program. As we explore our current reality, we say to ourselves, “It’s time to live more sustainably.” “Time to participate in earth justice” “Time to confront harmful environmental policies”
What we are faced with is “the little picture” of our own mid Rio Grande Watershed and the “big picture” of climate change. Even though our connections to the geo-political network are minimal, we do know we can act as a community to enhance the quality of life in our ecosystem.
Why have we been reluctant to act? Possibly because it is easier to point the finger at a cause “out there” such as auto emissions, plastics, cheap bananas, but the bottom line is that it is us, the end users who must come to grips and fight our destructive lifestyle. We have to embrace a new way of living that is sustainable in our watershed and globally. It is both a physical and spiritual journey. It is important and it is possible.
The concept of sustainable living is not new. Pueblo people regularly give thanks both to the animate and inanimate parts of their surroundings knowing that it all has to work in balance. And in 1789, Thomas Jefferson said, “The [health of the] earth belongs to each generation, fully and in its own right. No generation can contract debts greater than can be paid during the course of one’s own existence.” Ideally, the conscious preservation, protection, and planned management for all living species, is done by each generation.
In reading this magazine, you can find wisdom from indigenous people whose land we live on, gain an understanding of permaculture, learn some history of this place, pickup tips on planting, learn techniques to increase soil moisture…and much more. Then consider what you can do differently as an individual, part of a neighborhood, and in the larger community. New articles will be posted monthly and along with EXPLORE you can find articles on other relevant topics. Additions, corrections to articles welcome. We encourage ideas for new articles from you. Suggested length is no more than five paragraphs. We reserve the right to edit.
Subscribe. It’s Free. Check out new postings of relevant information, announcements of UPCOMING COMMUNITY ACTIONS, and updates on LOCAL FOOD SOURCES. EXPLORE is filled with more articles relevant to life in the mid Rio Grande watershed. WELCOME!