Take your photos now! Show your love for the river. Deadline for submissions is September 30, 2021.
- Photos of the mid Rio Grande between Cochiti Pueblo and Elephant Butte are eligible.
- Photo must be taken by the submitter.
- Submit approximate location and comments on what drew you to this particular location.
- Submit your photo to photos@midriograndetimes.org as a jpeg attachment. (One photo per submitter).
- You retain the rights to your photo, but you grant the mid Rio Grande Times permission to use the photo as part of an article or other mid Rio Grande Times publication attributing the photo to you.
Could this contest extended for four to six months? It takes a bit of planning and scheduling to get to eligible locations, set up a photo shoot (or simply decide what elements of the mid Rio Grande to photograph), and then prepare photos for submission. Personally I’m new to the area and not even sure where the good photo locations are. Or…hmm…how about a group of people going together to scout out visually appealing spots?